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Library of Hope – Self-Help Resources

RC Library of Hope

"To provide motivation to help global survivors become empowered thrivers."

Ark of Hope for Children’s self-help styled “Library of Hope” is provided as a resource for survivors that were victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse or bullying. Check out the following library areas;

Our Chain Breakers Equipping Library for advocates and Ark of Hope for Children's volunteers can be found on Ark of Hope for Children's main website by clicking the link. There you can download or share about the need for long term support for those victimized as children by human trafficking, child abuse or bullying.

If you have suggestions for any of these resources areas please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

If you recommend an article, audio or video file that is already online be sure to include the link. We will have to request permission to use the article exactly as is, or linked to it while quoting certain portions in our own article. So if you know the author, asking for advanced permission and a contact email for us would be a huge help. Sometimes the author may not be willing which will save us valuable time.