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Thank you for your donation to Removing Chains


Thank you for supporting our Removing Chains live chat support site. If you have made a donation, thank you and we will send a tax deductible receipt promptly. We would like to add you to our contact database. If you would prefer NOT to be added lease let us know by email.

If you have made a purchase from our store based on a suggested donation, thank you very much and you should receive it shortly. To make a PayPal or credit card donation seperate from the gift item you will receive, click here. Monthly donations are needed in support of the many wonderful survivors wew serve free of charge.

Removing Chains site depends on and thrives on donations from generous people like you. We cannot thank you enough for your support and if you haven't already done so, would you consider a monthly gift? That can be done via PayPal using This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and some others you can see here on our fundraising sites online

If you have chosen a different gift selection in appreciation for your donation we sincerely thank you! We will ship you gift(s) to you promptly to the address you provided.

Ark of Hope For Children 

Gainesville, FL 32643

send email for RemovingChains to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

All donations fully tax deductible

IRS #59-3585457